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Less Red is finally done and ready for show! 🙂I’ve got to admit its much more user-friendly than I thought it would be. For now, Less Red will be the main theme of the site. The theme is responsive, of course, and if you haven’t noticed we have some new sections that need filling as well. 🙂 I can’t wait to get started on that. Less Red also marks the 1st time I’ve ever used LESS and it’s actually easier than I thought even though I still got a lot to learn about it. We’ll see if it improves my workflow and web designs/development over time. However, it’s time for work and I can’t be late! O_O I’ll be posting up some fresh content and I’m getting back to videos this coming weekend! It’s gonna be a blast!

Technologies Used:

  • HTML5

  • CSS3

  • JQuery

  • LESS

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